We drove from San Diego to Colorado Springs for the Christmas break. 2 days after we got here - one of the bigger blizzards hit the area. We are stuck inside - at least we have plenty of food and have lots to do. We sent the kids out 2 times a day to shovel the walk and the driveway. Not that we need it done - it is still snowing - but it gets rid of some of the pent-up energy that they have from being inside all day. Here are some pictures that I took of the storm and some of the fun we had while cleaning up:
Here is Caleb shoveling snow. At this point - it is still snowing and blowing. He did a great job moving a lot of the heavy snow off of the driveway.
Yep - here is our CA car - it has never been in snow like this!

Here is Jesse after clearing a section of the driveway. You can see from the photo that it is still snowing!

Here is a picture from the top of my parent's street. Normally - the view from here would be a fantastic view of Pike's Peak. Here - you can see the snow drifts. The city plow had been by a few minutes before - but the wind was blowing pretty hard. This was taken about 7:30 in the morning, so there were not many cars on the road. I was able to walk down the middle of the road since most of the sidewalks had not (yet) been shoveled.