Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas in Colorado: Snowed In

We drove from San Diego to Colorado Springs for the Christmas break. 2 days after we got here - one of the bigger blizzards hit the area. We are stuck inside - at least we have plenty of food and have lots to do. We sent the kids out 2 times a day to shovel the walk and the driveway. Not that we need it done - it is still snowing - but it gets rid of some of the pent-up energy that they have from being inside all day. Here are some pictures that I took of the storm and some of the fun we had while cleaning up:
Here is Caleb shoveling snow. At this point - it is still snowing and blowing. He did a great job moving a lot of the heavy snow off of the driveway.
Yep - here is our CA car - it has never been in snow like this!

Here is Jesse after clearing a section of the driveway. You can see from the photo that it is still snowing!

Here is a picture from the top of my parent's street. Normally - the view from here would be a fantastic view of Pike's Peak. Here - you can see the snow drifts. The city plow had been by a few minutes before - but the wind was blowing pretty hard. This was taken about 7:30 in the morning, so there were not many cars on the road. I was able to walk down the middle of the road since most of the sidewalks had not (yet) been shoveled.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Balboa Park

Bummer - I was going to submit some of these pictures to my photo club - but I never got around to it. Anyway - these were to be some shots that I took of a Christmas theme. I think that I was in Balboa park too early.

T and T Hike up Cowles Mtn

We went with the T and T (Truth and Training) boys on the 3rd annual hike up Cowles Mountain December 16. The day started out fairly wet and cold. We were on the trail at 6:00 with about 17 hikers. After about 15 minutes, the rain stopped and we just had heavy overcast skies.
In case you were wondering - no - we were not able to see the sunrise.

Lake Murry from the top of Cowles Mountain.

Cowles Mountain (pronounced "kohls") got its name from George A. Cowles, one of San Diego's early prominent ranching pioneers. George Cowles settled in the El Cajon valley in 1877, having first visited San Diego in 1873, then selecting this area over others he had considered in the relatively new state of California.

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